“Good morning, Vietnam!” Vietnam is a relatively small state, but its entire eastern part is washed by the sea, and the coastline is more than three thousand kilometers. So there is no problem with a beach holiday. Vietnam — these are ancient temples, stunning nature, the warm sea all year round. This country — the pearl of the Asian continent — not in vain attracts vacationers with its features. The original, unique and mysterious culture harmoniously combines with modern technological progress and is infinitely ready to amaze its guests, surprising and giving a new experience, vivid unique emotions.

These 12 facts will introduce you to the features of this Asian country:

  1. Vietnam ranks second in per capita rice consumption. The average Vietnamese eats it 169 kg per year.
  2. Tinctures on snakes are the national drink of Vietnam. They are prepared with rice wine or bread alcohol and drunk at the first opportunity. It is believed that they are equally effective both as a prophylactic and as a cure for any ailments.
  3. Vietnamese are very tiny people. The average height among men is 163 cm, among women — 154 cm.
  4. Vietnam ranks sixth in the world in the number of students studying in American universities — more than 21,000 people. And the literacy rate in the country is also one of the highest — 94%.
  5. The most popular form of transport in the country is a motorcycle. Every day, up to 10 million drivers leave on the roads of Vietnam. There is even a motorcycle taxi, which is cheaper than usual and separate roads for motorcycles.
  6. The Fongny Kebang National Park in Quangbin Province has the largest cave in the world. It is called Shondong and has a total volume of 38.5 million m³ (up to 200 m in height, 150 m in width and 5 km in length).
  7. About 40% of Vietnamese citizens carry the surname Nguyen. In second place in polarity is the surname Chan, whose owners are approximately 11% of Vietnamese.
  8. Vietnam is a leader in the export of cashew nuts and black pepper.
  9. The fact that Vietnam is a Buddhist country is a delusion. Only 16% of the locals profess Buddhism, while most Vietnamese are atheists.
  10. In the north of Vietnam is one of the new wonders of the world — Halong Bay. It includes more than 3,000 islands and covers an area of ​​about 1,500 km².
  11. Even in hot weather, Vietnamese wear pants and tops with sleeves: tanned skin is considered a sign of belonging to the lower class of society.
  12. A traditional Vietnamese spiky hat was born as protection against coconuts falling from trees. Having fallen on such a hat, a coconut, of course, will hit a person, but not fatally, after which it will bounce to the side. Without a hat, a coconut, falling and hitting a head most often leads to death.

A lot of unexpected things are waiting for you in Vietnam, as one American tourist said, “One time in Vietnam, I saw a grizzly bear…riding a scooter!” So, you should not waste your chance to entertain, funtertain and ecotain!

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