Christmas in Denmark


Christmas in Denmark is celebrated from 24 to 25 December. For many Danes, Christmas is a special family holiday. There are many charming Danish traditions for Christmas. For many people, Christmas and all the traditions that accompany it are also synonymous with family warmth and hilarious joy, which makes the dark cold winter months cozier.

Danish Christmas is celebrated throughout December, so most people start buying gifts in advance, back in November. At this time, the smell of licorice changes to the smell of cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. A whole month for warm Christmas greetings, gorgeous gifts, and fancy fun. In many cities, the main streets are decorated with Christmas trees and lamps. Danes burn the most candles in Europe, especially during the Christmas holidays when candles flicker beautifully in every window. In recent years, it has become a tradition to decorate trees, streets, and houses with garlands and lanterns!

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