Fall As Beginning and Start From Finish

I once had a splendid situation with my younger sister. Sasha has always been an energetic girl, which is why her favorite subject at school was physical education. However, Sanya was a bit lazy, so she had never been an A-student. But one year everything changed, she started playing sports very seriously, including volleyball and became one of the main athletes of the school.

Our physical education teacher was impressed. One day he asked Sasha to go to a running competition.

I remember Sanya was very nervous that day. But she was determined to win. In fact, she was always optimistic and always won, but this competition was different from the past in its scale.

“So, I’m running the second kilometer, – Sanya told me later. – Heaviness in the legs, burning in the side, fog in the head. But I’m running. I run and understand that I am the first. In front of me – nobody! Do you understand? Everyone is after me. Everyone! Do you understand? There are three meters left before the finish. Just three meters to the finish and… I’m falling. Can you imagine? I fell face down in this damn sand three meters before the finish! Fourth place is, of course, good, but I was first. Et! Why was that finish not three meters closer? It turned out funny.”

She, of course, laughed when she told. But this situation probably affected her pride. Because after this incident Sanya no longer allowed herself to take the fourth places, then there were the first and the second in all competitions. Sasha was the first in everything. She even became the best athlete of the school. Number 1!

This is a life story that taught me to believe that any fate trouble can cause change and start working on yourself. However, you are to believe in yourself!

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