Interview with the owner of a “fighting” dog

Fighting dogs are designed to intimidate. Their appearance makes even seasoned dog owners shudder. Why is there a trail of fear behind dogs of fighting breeds? To answer this question, I talked to my next-door neighbor Anastasia, the owner of the Staffordshire terrier Barry.

“Does the law regulate the rules for maintaining and walking staff in the city?”

“There are no walking rules for dogs of dangerous breeds. There is a general rule for all breeds – a muzzle and a leash.”

“Do misunderstandings arise with dog walkers or with passers-by on city streets during walks?”

“And very often. Everyone immediately thinks that my dog ​​is going to attack their dog. If he can show aggression, then only towards males — like a male of any other breed. In my case, this behavior immediately stopped. Prejudice is always present, but what is important is not what breed, but what kind of owner this breed has.”

“Do you feel bad when the owners of small dogs take them in their arms as soon as they see your dog?”

“No, not offensive at all. Even funny. Small dogs sometimes overestimate their ‘severity.’ They bark very funny at this moment.”

“How to properly behave on a walk with a dog when you see an aggressive dog?”

“The most important thing in such a situation is to behave calmly. You, as the owner, have a connection with the dog. If you act nervously, your pet will start to get nervous too.”

“How could the reputation of the staff be improved?”

“You can improve the breed’s reputation only by showing its best qualities. People who get a dog have to decide whether they can handle the dog or not. The staff has a lot of energy that needs to be channeled in the right direction. It’s a lot of work. It is necessary to attend special classes. A dog whose education is not taken care of can become dangerous.”

“How do you feel about ‘dog fights’ because you have a fighting dog?”

“I am not interested at all. I consider it cruelty. In order not to be invited to such events, it is not necessary to post a photo of your pet on social networks.”

“What would you recommend to those who are going to get a dog?”

“I repeat once again: there are no ‘fighting dogs,’ there are no dangerous breeds. There are people who take animals and do not realize the responsibility that falls on their shoulders. The most important thing is to be responsible for the pet you tamed.”

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