Magic Exists! Witches and Angels…

(miniflash story)

Ann accidentally got to the University of Ukrainian Magicians. Her friend had studied magic all his life, and she supported him in doing so, although she was skeptical of such activity.

One day a sharp eyed old woman invited them into the high bushes of the Bald Mountain in Kyiv and they found themselves in another dimension, where they were confronted with the fact that they would be taking an entrance exam to the University. A group of wicked witches headed by a grey-haired and long-bearded WITCHER gave them a long once-over…They passed this exam relatively well, although they never possessed magical knowledge. Friends moved into a spacious cave where they were shown the University with a large green area, oak faculties and even several mushroom auditoriums. But Ann didn’t like it: the incomprehensible dimension, the flying objects, the flying grannies, the creeping ghouls…and no Harry Potter!

“Listen, Andrew, don’t you know all this is strange? We suddenly found ourselves in a strange place, among strange things and strange creatures…And they force us to take some exams! Who do they think they are? Maybe we were kidnapped and drugged?” the girl panicked.

“Well, Ann, relax. I kept telling you about old malignant magic. Did you just pretend to believe me?” Andrew arched an eyebrow.

“What magic, Andrew? I just liked you and, besides. I am for white magic and for angel blessing…The black wizardry is not for me; I am a kind-hearted girl!”

“Are you saying that because of your dead parents?” The boy asked cautiously.

“No! Oh My God! What I am doing here, Andrew? I’m leaving,” Ann was very nervous.

“But who would curse the enemies of Ukraine? Didn`t you think about it?” Andrew got angry.

“I prefer to pray for our defenders, so I don`t need these necromancy tricks…”

“It is for you do decide…The Rector, I mean the Boss of this magic portal, will erase your memories, so wait for a minute…”

“So I will forget you, right?”

“No, you will be my wife,” Andrew flashed with a slayer smile. “Together, we will stand up for our country, against all our enemies, using black and white…magic. Okey-dokey?”

“I will think about your proposal…” Ann smiled with relief.

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