‘Milk and Honey’ by Rupi Kaur

This is the journey of
surviving through poetry
this is the blood sweat tears
of twenty-one years
this is my heart
in your hands
this is
the hurting
the loving
the breaking
the healing”
Rupi Kaur, ‘Milk and honey’

These are poems that lack rhyme. However, they impress with their sensuality and hit in the very heart. Fairly easy texts, but deep meaning is hidden in them. On every page there is a story, sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller.

Telling about the tragedy of childhood, unrequited love and the pain of its loss, Rupi Kaur immerses the reader in a contradictory sense of serene sadness, confirming the statement: “Going through the worst moments of life to find joy in them, because it is in everything.” The book has four chapters, and everyone can find a poem for themselves, for their soul. The book teaches us to respect and love our body, to listen to ourselves, to know that we belong only to ourselves and to no one else, to be natural, to love and let go, to be independent.

This book will help you find yourself, understand certain moments in life, and overcome mental difficulties.

My rating is 9.5/10

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