‘Nightlights’ – comics by Lorena Alvarez Gomez

5 stars – Great art and fascinating family-friendly story with slight suspense makes this comic worth revisiting.

This story is about Sandy, who gets into world of her imagination every night. There she has fireflies (or nightlights) – they are her creativity juice. She can’t be without them, as she cannot draw, if her night was rough. Otherwise, Sandy is a pretty and regular girl – she goes to school (where lessons can be quite boring), ignores her homework and home chores (such as cleaning her boots) and has a childish attitude, just as every small kid. But then she met Morpie, who created problems and hunted her dreams… I will tell you nothing more about plot – no spoilers here! Thought, the story is childish and a bit predictable, it is worth reading.

The art is spectacular! I stared at it for a long time. To be honest, it was the first reason I wanted to thumb through this comic. Illustrations have the right number of details and the wonderful color palette. It creates mysterious and fairy tale, warm and cozy atmosphere. Style is simple, but very impressive. If you want to learn how to catch stars from the night sky and get better at drawing, I would recommend you this book and her creator – Lorena Alvarez Gomez – in particular. Study on her work, and you’ll improve.

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