Pregnant Blog

1. When you are organizing your own wedding, you have started sprucing up your apartment, you are studying at a university and at the same time you are pregnant – all the processes are as emotional as possible. Within a minute, both laughter and tears come together.

In the first semester, our family was suffering from my mood. One day I made such a fuss for my loved ones that everyone ran from home until I calmed down.

Now, in the 7 month of pregnancy, I have completely changed, become calm, balanced, heavy a bit. My husband, laughing, says, “I’m beginning to think that you will be an abso-bloody-lutely wonder-lovely-ful wife.”

Such pregnant women are not permanent );

2. Pregnant – does not mean sick. There are many stereotypes. Pregnant women cannot dye their hair, fly on an airplane, eat fast food, play sports and so on. I don’t support such rules. For me, pregnancy is a miracle and, at the same time, a sort of pleasure.

Almost all 7 months the baby in a tummy and I have traveled all over Ukraine.  Only imagine I got to Kyiv, which is 360 km and 3.5 hours from our town nine times. We were at three huge concerts and even flew to Turkey for 7 days.

I also allow myself to eat whatever the soul desires. I ate burgers, buns, and pies. This is the only time in a woman’s life when she does not have to torture herself with diversified diets. When else can you be proud of your big tummy?

If you feel GREAT then why limit yourself?  ):

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