Scotland Ocean

(travel blog)

“I am attached to the west coast of Scotland, it is gorgeous to look at and challenging. You have to contend with the possibility of being blown away or rained on. And in the summer months, you can be eaten alive by midgets.”
— Clive Anderson

You ken (know), I would like to tell you about the ocean. About the warm Atlantic Ocean, which takes your feet on the Scottish seacoast so kindly, like giving a winch (kiss) to you? About colorful ocean, which wind you can smell so long before to see it. About calm ocean that like whispering you a lullaby.

Howsoever, I`m in love wae (with) different ocean. I like when cold waves skelped (hit) the rocks and sing… Oh, naw (no), they shout their song. The song in which ancient nightmares intertwined wae (with) pleasures. And that melody calls you. It invites you to join in that’s weird wild dance. I like when the nautical wind dishevels your hair and burns your chicks, when it smells wae (with) cold and frost, that was taking fae (from) forgotten parts of the world, where legends are the reality.

I so much like to hear this kind of ocean`s song, cause aw (all) wae (with) inside become alive and answer to it. Pure dead brilliant (amazing)!

Fàilte gu Alba! Welcome to Scotland!

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