Stranger in the Thickets


…She runs through the woods.

Everything is covered with moist moss; the colors are as deep and green as an ocean basin. Here, between the roots, it will be even deeper than somewhere beyond the shores of the worlds. A huge stone lies around – take a seat on it quietly on it and breathe in deeply. The forest is quite friendly today, and this is rare. It’s almost midnight. Stars are never seen through the thick branches here. So even better, the light will offend the peace of those who finally stopped…She can’t say exactly how long you can be among those trees, but there will be enough air…

She is not scared, just in a hurry. Lately, she has had to run from one end of the forest to the other more than once. She hardly feels the ground beneath her, rushes farther and farther, shaking the raindrops that have recently rested on the plants.

Do you think that you can see your feet in that forest? The fern grows under you. Of course, you will not notice this, because only if you get stuck in time you can notice at least some changes. Spores are carried by the wind for miles, as in the Permian period. The fern created even larger forests, entire ecosystems, and coexisted with dinosaurs. Now it does not take root, but it can intertwine with your thoughts and stay in your head. It will not want to let you go, will not make exceptions, will not listen to such a simple and at the same time complex creature. It is magic…No wonder that its blossoming is sought at Ivana-Kupala night…

It finally got its destination while you were fighting prehistoric plants. Ask the curvy brook, what is the meaning of its fast pace? It doesn’t seem to tell. It is cunning, desperate, flaunts with agility, but does not answer…

Suddenly, behind your back you notice deep and forest-made eyes of Mavka…They almost make you tell your terrible secret, but … She seems to be smiling as she goes deeper into the darkness…

You hear a rustle on the left, you turn your head and quickly realize that the mysterious girl has disappeared into the thicket, and did not tell you why you were running away. Everything is still covered with moss…

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