The Wind of IT Change! Future Professions

(opinion article)

“Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night. When the children of tomorrow dream away, dream away in the wind of change!”

Yeah! Today I decided to tell you about the professions of the future. The speed of change, as well as the wind of change in the world, is growing rapidly, and the complexity of professional tasks is constantly increasing.

In the early 2000s, we did not hear such words as a headhunter, social media manager, SEO optimizer, and so on. However, now they are one of the most necessary specialists, without whom no business “lives.”

In the next 15-20 years, both in Ukraine and in the world, completely new specialists will be in demand that will not only understand their field but will also have a cross-industry specialization. Here are some professions that will be relevant in the near future.

Urban ecologist

Urban-ecologist is a designer of new cities based on environmental biotechnology; he or she specializes in construction, energy, and pollution control. This profession has already been in demand – high-tech “green cities” are designed and built in Malaysia, China, the United Arab Emirates, India, South Korea, and Europe.

The reality is that big cities are only growing over time, and despite the fact that ecology is given great importance, it is not yet easier to breathe in them. The problem of environmental pollution in megacities and in smaller cities remains relevant. One of those who in the future will help keep our health with you in the hustle and bustle of the big city will be an urban ecologist.

An architect of living systems

An architect of living systems is a specialist in planning, designing, and creating closed-loop technologies with the participation of genetically modified organisms and microorganisms. Such a professional will be indispensable in autonomous cities – he will be able to calculate the necessary capacity of bioreactors, develop projects for urban farms, and carefully consider the system for recycling.


A specialist with a good knowledge of IT that creates and manages physiological data bases, checks software for medical and diagnostic equipment. Now in medicine, there is a “big data revolution” – the researchers have an invaluable opportunity to quickly collect and analyze a huge amount of information. So, a person who is able to manage medical databases will certainly not be left without work.

Network doctor

Of course, health is the most important thing we have, but most visits to the clinic take a lot of time, which is already worth its weight in gold. Who has not dreamed of getting a doctor’s consultation without leaving home? Experts promise that in the next decade this dream will become a reality: it will be possible to diagnose diseases and carry out their prevention online.

Genetic consultant

With the help of the genetic code, it will be possible to make ultra-accurate health diagnoses, as well as to analyze not only a living person but also his descendants. According to experts, the profession of a genetic consultant should appear in the next decade, however, this specialty is narrow and, according to experts, its demand will not be too high.

Lawyer of virtual systems

The protagonists of the closest ten years in the virtual society are the present-day right-wingers. They will be in favor of formulating the normative legal system and the moral aspects of the future virtual society too. In addition, the representatives of this profession will scrutinize the system of the legal protection of all live and virtual people.

Consultant on the formation of family values

By 2025, the profession of a consultant on the formation of family values should be quite popular and in some sense can replace the usual psychologist. Specialists will study family history, help relatives identify their strengths and weaknesses, define common goals and form a common cause.

I hope this info was motivating and most importantly useful for you.

“The future is in the air. I can feel it everywhere. Blowing with the wind of change”

Good luck. I expect your comments.

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