Top 10 funniest wedding traditions from around the world


In order to build a happy family life, men and women dare to do the craziest things. Wedding is one of the brightest events. In order for the newlyweds to have a happy fate, many countries follow their own traditions. Sometimes, to build their own family life, men and women dare to do the weirdest things – and all because of the unique wedding ceremonies that exist in their homeland.


In Fiji, the groom is obliged to give his future father-in-law half a whale’s tooth. Such a gift means high status and wishes of prosperity to future relatives.


Traditionally in Kenya, a man is forced to wear women’s clothing during the first month after the wedding. Locals say that this is the only way to feel the full weight of women’s destiny.


If you do not pass the decisive moment of courtship in Finland, the wedding will not be. Traditionally, the bride has to come to the groom’s house and live there for a week, doing small chores (sew the groom’s pants, wash the dishes, cook the family dinner, etc.).


On the eve of the wedding in Germany, the bride’s friends come to the bride’s house and break a plate at the doorstep. It is said that the more fragments there are, the more happy moments there will be in their married life.


The Vietnamese newlyweds are the luckiest – they have not one, but two weddings at once. The first is arranged by the groom’s parents, the second – the bride. It is very important that after the celebration there is no question of which wedding turned out better.


On the island of Bali, only women are present at the wedding table. Do you think men are not allowed to appear there? No, it’s just that the stronger sex have a rest after they have prepared all the menus for the wedding banquet.


At a French wedding, the bride should never show her joy. She has to cry and try to escape, on the way to church. The more persistently the bride does this, the better fame she will gain. At the wedding banquet, the newlyweds should not get close to each other and kisses are not allowed at all.


Traditionally, a Nigerian girl has to get fat before the wedding, otherwise she will be returned to her parents. It is believed that skinny girls in marriage will not be happy. The girl begins to prepare for family life a year before the wedding – she spends 12 months in a separate house and avoids any physical activity. Meanwhile, her relatives bring her high-calorie food so that she can gain as much weight as possible before the ceremony.


At a Chinese wedding, the toastmaster, who is silent for a moment, oversees the cutting of a huge tiered cake. It is very important that the dessert is cut from the bottom to top, because the cake symbolizes the stairs that the newlyweds climb to their happiness.


Guests of a Finnish wedding must tell the newlyweds the exact amount they give them. Locals are especially careful to prepare gifts for the holiday, so as not to be ashamed of the couple and other guests.

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