What books you should never read during quarantine?

As all of you undoubtedly know, now we are trapped inside our houses. Many resources give us ‘heart-piercing’ advice on what to do and the most popular tip is “read as many books as you can.” I am a bookaholic and a bookworm by myself, but I have already really tired of all these practical tips. So, why don’t they stop publishing lists of books you should read and publish at least one list with the words – you should ever read this stuff?

  • Any books about outside activities. Or sport. Like, really, why do you require them right now? Where can you swim? Play football? Obviously you can try running at your balcony, of course. So get up and play football at home! Why do you need books for this?!
  • Books about travelling. Are you a masochist? You are sitting at home…You are missing all your trips and friends… Don’t make yourself worse by reading about it! Yeah, yeah, there are books like “Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail” which you will not replicate. But right now it is wild to go outside without a proper reason for it. That`s why say firmly, “NO.” Or, if you are an experienced traveler and you possibly can put two words together – try writing your own adventure novel!
  • Books, forbidden in your country. I don’t know how you can even get a one, but really – why do you require them? Especially, when you can find out a book forbidden in other countries and read it! You can find a big list of banned books in Wikipedia, but these are my recommendations from that list: “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll (it was banned in China), “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens (banned in Germany) or “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque (also banned in Germany).
  • Any book which motivates you to get out of your private house and do something. God, save us all! God save Ukraine! Please, Amen! © Stay at home and read books that can properly teach you to create, learn, or work inside the house, not the outside!
April 25,  2019

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