Why are DNA tests needed?

DNA tests are one of the most important types of laboratory research. They have been used all over the world for about 40 years. Such tests are used in medicine, forensics, and various studies. This is the most accurate way to establish genetic links.

Paternity tests
A DNA test allows you to establish the fact of paternity or its denial with the severest degree of probability. For this, a sample of biomaterial is taken from the child and potential father. It can be produced both independently and in the laboratory. It is better if the fence is made in a laboratory environment.

DNA samples are ordinarily taken from the inner surface of the cheeks with a sterile stick – a shoe. Although DNA is found in all tissues of the body, it is more convenient to use a smear of the oral mucosa for this examination. It is rapid and painless. Establishment of paternity can be carried out even before the birth of the child. The DNA test is performed non-invasively. It is protected for the health of the mother and fetus.

The examination allows you to identify family ties. Such analyzes, for example, can be carried out in the case of questions about the distribution of inheritance. The result can be got within a short time. Samples of biomaterial from various people are compared, who want to establish the fact of family ties. The accuracy of the results is very high – almost 100%.

The test allows you to establish a connection between brothers, sisters, relatives of the older generations and grandchildren, etc.

Forensic tests
In forensic science, genetic identification has been used almost from the very appearance of such examinations. This is a quick and relatively inexpensive way to identify a criminal. Analyzing the samples found at the crime scene made it easier to solve murders, robberies, and so on. The analysis also makes it possible to establish the identity, witnesses, victims and other persons involved in the incident. This is ample evidence.

Pregnancy tests
A variety of aggressive and non-invasive examinations are provided for expectant mothers. Their main task is to identify the presence of dangerous pathologies in a child:
– Down Syndrome.
– Patau Syndrome.
– Edwards syndrome.
– Other pathologies with an abnormal number of chromosomes.
– Congenital malformations of the nervous system. For example, epileptic encephalopathy.
Such analyzes are especially indicated for women who have already had children with developmental disabilities, expectant mothers who are over 35 years old.

In addition, DNA testing can affect ethnicity. More detailed information can be gained on the website of the laboratory, which specializes in this type of research.

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