Why you can’t just be sitting all the day…

(opinion article)

Your joints…
Yeah, don’t you get me? Well, scroll through the following…

For over decades our joints have been the vital parts of our bodies, so we can stand, we can sit, we can go, do gymnastics, jump hilariously, whatever. Besides, keeping your mobile phone in your hands is also thanks to your body-connectors.

You can ask me: “Why can’t I just sit and keep safe my joints?”

It’s a fairly common query, so I’m glad to tell you ‘why.’

First of all, when you are sitting most of the days, your body is getting stuck, literally. In a few months you won’t be able to do the things you used to. So, it’s sorta you are getting older swiftly and your bones guess that you are 60, but you are 19…

One more moment you couldn’t pass through: your nutrition. Yes, it’s also connected to your joints. I suppose, you know from biology teachers that there is such a liquid around our cartilages. It helps them to move. So, usually, when you are sitting or lying on a sofa — you keep on eating like a ‘sloppy couch potato.’ In most cases it’s not nuts, avocado, eggs… Instead of it — junk food. The point is that: unhealthy food destroys the useful cells in this liquid. To cut a long story short, your joints start to ‘groan.’ Spoiler: it’s not a pleasure to hear and feel that sound— the sound of crunching knuckles…

And the third point. Low- and medium-intensity joint loads are beneficial because they strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation. As a result, the articular capsule is better supplied with blood and cartilage receives more nutrients.

Well, I guess, now it’s the moment when you stand up and start doing some activity (Going to the kitchen for some water or running around your apartment corners!). I do hope you don’t wanna be a grouchy geezer in your best years. Remember, your body is willing to live the most active life up to 30 years. After that you will need more rest and time for children:) So, as ‘Status Quo’ once sang, “Stand up and fight!” [For your healthy joints!]

Bye for now!

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