Your Food – Your Mood

(Own opinion)

Good nutrition is crucial for health, particularly in times when the immune system might need to fight back. Yes, I’m talking about the COVID-19. Limited access to fresh foods may compromise opportunities to continue eating a healthy and varied diet. It can also potentially lead to increased consumption of highly processed foods, which tend to be high in fats, sugars, and salt. Nonetheless, even with few and limited ingredients, one can continue eating a diet that supports good health. Keep a few tips from me to regulate your diet and not become a duff donut after quarantine.

Prepare home-cooked meals

During regular daily life, many individuals often do not have the time to prepare home-cooked meals. Spending longer periods of time at home may now offer the possibility to make those recipes you previously did not have time to make. Many healthy and delicious recipes can be found online.

Be aware of portion sizes

It can be difficult to get portion sizes right, especially when cooking from scratch. Being at home for extended periods, especially without a company or with limited activities can also lead to overeating. However, remember! Quarantine, unfortunately, is not defined in terms of duration. So, if you do not want to become a donut after isolation, control your portions.

Limit your sugar intake

If you crave something sweet, fresh fruit should always be the priority. Frozen fruits, canned fruits in juice rather than syrup, and dried fruits with no added sugar are also good options. When other dessert options are chosen, ensure that they are low in sugar and consume small portions. Watch out for low- fat options, as these are often high in added sugars. Limit the amount of sugar or honey added to foods and avoid sweetening your beverages.

Stay hydrated

Good hydration is crucial for optimal health. Whenever available and safe for consumption, tap water is the healthiest and cheapest drink. It is also the most sustainable, as it produces no waste, compared to bottled water. Drinking water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages is a simple way to limit your intake of sugar and excess calories. To enhance its taste, fresh or frozen fruits like berries or slices of citrus fruits may be added, as well as cucumber or herbs such as mint, lavender or rosemary. Avoid drinking large amounts of strong coffee, strong tea, and especially caffeinated soft drinks and energy drinks. These may lead to dehydration and can negatively impact your sleeping patterns.

Enjoy family meals

The social distancing associated with the COVID-19 outbreak has meant that many families are spending more time at home, which provides new opportunities to share meals together. Family meals are an important opportunity for parents to be role models for healthy eating, and for strengthening family relationships.
Remember, your food – your mood! Let’s eat right and maintain your health during the quarantine.

April 14, 2020

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