Oh, These Morning Lections…

(humorous story)

No, I can’t find it. Where is the charger? Ialready have a rummage through the whole room, but got only annoyance and rage!

My phone beeps and will turn off now… Traitor! How do I get to the online class then? Oh, I’m in trouble… The new lecturer will not forgive this. She’ll fill a tattoo with my name and that I’m truant… Shame on me and my bloodline!

Wait, I have another charger… Yeah, really! I’m so dumbass.

Like a scuba diver, I’m plunging into the darkness under the bed in search of old boxes. With my fingers I feel something square. I’m pulling it to the light.

He-he, here is it. Oh, the wire is pretty worn out. Well, I’m full of hope that this still works.

Plugging into an outlet… CHARGING! Just in time, just in time for a class.

I feel like I won the $1 million lottery. ‘Victorious’ is playing in my head.

So, I’m gonna enter the password. I have just removed the second charger from the keyboard. Stop… THE SECOND CHARGER?!

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