A Little Girl Is Walking Down The Street


A little girl is walking down the street…Today, for her, the world consists of dad and mom, sweet ice cream and a teddy bear…She still knows how to pray for toys and rejoice in puddles of rain. Her golden curls shine in the sun…

She will grow tomorrow. She may want to straighten her curls and dye her hair. She will argue with her parents, run away from lessons and break the hearts of the boys…Or maybe she will be a modest and quiet girl with glasses, who will become a scientist? Or a slender tennis player? Maybe she will become a charming writer who will write many cozy fairy tales for children…

Maybe she will stop believing in the good and God. She will smoke cigarettes and die of lung cancer. Or not, she will always be a child in the soul. She will have a big and bright house with a courageous husband and small golden-haired children…Or maybe she will be alone all her life? She will walk down the street, marvelous and modern, but her heart will be empty…

Maybe she will become the richest woman in the world…Maybe she will live her whole life in poverty with a sick husband? Maybe…

A little girl is walking down the street…

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