Once upon a time, Princess Leia lived in a distant kingdom. She was a beautiful princess, kind, graceful, and as a future queen, always cared for the people surrounding her. The princess loved to walk in the Royal Park in the evening, until one day, from the most protected park in the world, she was kidnapped by a huge red dragon.
The king and queen were horrified by the abduction of their daughter and therefore they quickly summoned all the brave princes from the neighboring kingdoms and knights of their kingdom to rescue Princess Leia. The best of them was Prince Philip, сalled Charming, who went to save the princess from the dragon’s claws, but with one condition: Princess Leia would have to marry him. The parents agreed in order to save their only daughter.
He passed high mountains, wide rivers and endless fields and finally reached the dragon’s cave.
“Get out, you monster, I’ve come to kill you!” shouted Prince Philip in the depths of the cave.
An evil growl came from a cave. The prince was ready to raise his sword to fight the dragon, but the princess ran out to him.
“Wait! I’m fine!” answered the princess. She was wearing a gorgeous golden dress, decorated with emeralds and rubies.
“Princess, hide, I will save you from this dragon!” Philip ran into the cave itself.
And then a huge dragon comes out to meet him. With a terrible roar, he opened his mouth to burn the prince to death, but suddenly the princess appeared between them.
“Prince, don’t kill my fiancé!” Leia shouted.
“The bridegroom? I am your fiancé! I am Prince Charming! Now I definitely have to kill him!”
However, he did not even have time to raise his sword when the princess pounced on him and took away his weapon.”No one will kill anyone today,” commanded Leia. “Go home, prince, and tell my parents that I will return tomorrow.”
This is how the prince returned home, shamed for being beaten by Leia.
And Princess Leia returned to her Kingdom riding a majestic red dragon, which, stepping on the ground, turned into a handsome man. They married and later began to rule the Kingdom wisely as a fair and merciful Queen and King.
So not every Dragon is a beast and not every Prince is really Charming…
The End.
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