Get Ready For A Job Interview


Interviewer: “Tell us a little something about yourself…”
Candidate: “I’d rather not, I really want this job.”

A job interview gives you a great chance to show that you are really the cream of the crop. So you have to roll up your sleeves and start to prepare diligently.

Learn information about your work. This is important for you to understand what you will be doing in the future and do not have egg on your face during interview. Learn about the company, its values ​​and mission, justify your vision and motives for why you want to work there. Based on this information, you will get a portrait of the company, which will help you see which candidate they want to have. You can take notes of your skills and professional knowledge required for the job.

Don’t worry. Yes, an interview is always stressful especially for the tyro, but try not to upset the applecart in advance. You have to show that you are really worth your salt as an employee, so forget about worrying. Sweaty palms and a frightened voice will not help you at all, just cast doubt and pull yourself together.

Dress accordingly. Take care of your interview outfit. Regardless of the type of interview and your profession, the first impression of you should be positive. Your clothes should please you in the first place, be comfortable and tidy.

Plan your day. If the interview is scheduled for noon, do not plan important matters in the morning. Just focus on this event. This does not mean that you have to sit at the office door from 5 am… However, it is still better to arrive earlier to relax and gather your thoughts.

Remember the etiquette. Show your courtesy and don’t forget to greet the interviewer. During the conversation watch your body language and control eye contact (it will be strange if you are constantly looking at the floor or on the clock during the interview.). Try to listen carefully to the questions and give clear answers.

Tell about yourself. This is a favorite phrase of all recruiters. You can prepare a short biographical note about yourself with the brightest moments. It is important to emphasize your professional skills and goals. Try to be realistic and provide credible facts.

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