How to Write a Book? (During COVID-19 outbreak)


What is your life purpose? Many have heard about “planting a tree” and “raising a child”, but … What about writing a book? Especially, during the coronavirus self-isolation…If you have huge baggage of accumulated experience, in-depth knowledge, or the spirit of an adventurer just lives in you – write about it J I have collected for you 12 tips on where to start!

  1. Set up your work area

The banalest point of this instruction, but one of the most important. You need to understand the conditions in which you are comfortable: when there is continuous fuss around or, conversely, in a separate room, behind a comfortable armchair, and in complete isolation.

  1. Break work into small tasks

Write a book at a time will not work. It was much more efficient to break down the whole process into search, editing (several times), finalization, etc., than to try to do everything without a clear plan.

  1. Formulate a “big idea”

Your book should have a broad concept. Now no one is interested in publishing books with a narrow idea.

  1. Create a plan

Even if you are one of those who do not really bother with what will happen at the end of the book, you should have at least some kind of plan, a general idea that needs to be kept in to the head.

  1. Set a clear deadline and organize a work plan

If you do not have a deadline from the publisher, so you have to put your own. You should stick with it anyway. How to do it?

Think about how many pages will be in your book. Then divide these pages by the number of days (hours) that you can and want to devote to this work.

  1. Research

For non-fiction, this is a self-evident thing – you need facts from articles or other works for citation and wording. You must also show that you figured out everything that was available in this field of knowledge, and created something of your own on this ground.

  1. Write a compelling intro

You will not write lines more important than the first lines in your work. This sets the tone for the whole book. Usually, this is a dramatic statement, or a shocking surprise that falls on your head, or a philosophical introduction, or even a poem by another author.

  1. Fill the story with passions and conflict

People need a passion, and this applies not only to fiction, but non-fiction also needs to be in conflict.

  1. Do not strive for excellence while writing

Many of us are perfectionists. We are looking for flaws in every word, sentence, dialogue, etc. But you need to shut up our inner voice as soon as possible when you are in the process of writing the first draft. Now is not the time to criticize your own work.

Postpone editing the next day (at least) or even further. It will be better for you so that the reader receives a quality product.

  1. Do not give up in the middle of the process

All writers have a midpoint process when it gets really hard. This must be experienced with the thought that you have a reader. If you’re bored, he feels the same way.

  1. Write the ending that catches

How to do it? Just give it a little more time than the usual chapters. Do not end the book as if it does not mean anything. Even if more time is spent on the ending than on everything else, this is normal.

If you have several ideas, choose the most emotional one. Because the reader is more likely to leave it in his memory.

  1. Be an aggressive skeptic and editor

The last and most important point. You must polish the work to shine, you must like every word.

I hope these tips will encourage you to write a marvelous masterpiece. Good luck, my bros and seestas 🙂

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