Pragmatic Dreams! Yeah! Fantasy Dreams, No!


I have always been a realist or a result-oriented person. And I have never understood daydreamers having their heads in the fantasy clouds. I am really confused when I am asked: what do you dream about? Because I dream of …a new renovation in the room or rest after a hard day’s work. And nothing more.

I really think that daydreaming is just for idlers and loosers. Our lives are too short to be filled with empty dreams. Especially when they are unattainable. For example, a person walks and dreams of flying into space, but what is the point of his or her dreams if he or she has never been outside his or her native town or city? What is the point of thinking about the impossible if you have very real problems and topics for reflection.

Sometimes a dream becomes a goal of life. Your whole life is focused on one dream. And when you fail to do something, you fall into despair and depression. For what? I think it’s better to set small goals and go slowly than to die of a heart attack, because the dream of your life has not come true…

I’m not saying that dreaming is a crime. Yes, sometimes our brain wants to rest and dream. But let’s be realistic if we want our dreams to come true. Long live realistic dreams!

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