Tea…Joie de vivre…Pleasure


Probably not many people dislike drinking hot tea. Frankly speaking, I can`t even grasp it –how it is possible not to love it…

It’s autumn, and winter will come soon after it. But autumn just does not exist without hot tea as winter does not exist without hot coffee! In this time of year, your morning starts with a cup coffee, and the evening ends with a glass of tea. And how could be different?

Surely, tea is the opposite of coffee… Coffee amuses and wakes up, and tea soothes and helps to fall asleep, especially mint tea.

They say that tea for the English is a picnic right at home. For Ukrainians tea is a way to dream, especially, in the time of the coronavirus.

If you love tea, keep on loving…you know the aroma of ‘joie de vivre’! Surely, I mean the joy of living!

Вересень 30, 2020

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