(book review)
“The Real-life MBA: The No-Nonsense Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team and Growing Your Career” is your reliable and extremely exciting guide to the world of business. In addition, this book is a bestseller of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, which, you will agree, is respectful and confirms that this book deserves your attention.
The authors of the book “The Real-life MBA: The No-Nonsense Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team and Growing Your Career” are real big bosses. Jack Welch is a famous American businessman. He worked for General Electric for 41 years, 21 of whom were CEOs. During this time, the corporation’s revenue increased fivefold, revenue increased tenfold, and market capitalization – more than 30 times. Today, the business guru, whom Fortune magazine called the manager of the twentieth century, advises the leaders of the most famous companies, speaks to the business community and teaches. Suzy Welch is a writer, journalist, and former editor-in-chief of the Harvard Business Review. She graduated from the Harvard Business School’s MBA program. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the US Society for the Protection of Animals.
Among the advantages of the book are a good structure (the book is divided into three sections, each of which is divided into subtopics) and a huge number of business insights that will teach you to confidently move up the career ladder, build successful companies and rethink yourself when there is a threat of being overboard.
If we talk about the disadvantages, I would like to note that this book lacks illustrations, diagrams, graphs that would clearly complement the content. In my opinion, the artistic addition significantly improves the perception of information.
This book will definitely interest managers of all levels, people who are interested in business or planning to start their own business. It will not be a magic wand that can turn your business into the most successful, but it will precisely place the accents that you should pay attention to in order to make your business more efficient. My rating is 9.
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