Witch from Konotop

(miniflash story)

As I walked through the eerie fog on Halloween night, I felt a strange presence. Suddenly, I saw a wicked witch who was brewing something in a cauldron with the inscription “From Konotop with Love”. She turned to me and said, “You must choose, or you will face dire consequences.”

There were two potions in front of me. One was labeled “witch’s brew,” and the other was labeled “witch’s broom.” The words sounded the same but had entirely different meanings. I had to decide which one to pick.

I thought for a moment and chose the “witch’s broom” potion. I took a sip, and to my surprise, I began to levitate. I was flying on a broomstick, just like a real witch!

The witch cackled with delight, saying, “You made the right choice, my dear! Happy Halloween!”

And so, I spent that Halloween night soaring through the sky on a witch’s broom, having the most magical adventure of my life. It was a Halloween I would never forget.

Happy Halloween!

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