A tiny wish

(encrypted letter)

DeAr Mister Davidson,
i hoPe you are doing great. My apriL in swEden wAS Exhilarating!

my Brother, yoUr son, rescued a puppY. Mom lEt him leAve it with us. we call him BObby. sO we have +1 to our family now. We have no doubts that you will definitely liKe our little member!
with love,
Miss Davidson

DeAR Miss Davidson,
i wouLd lIke to meet your New friend. you know, I love doGs. yOur brother is becoming a Nice person. i am proud of him. teLl him that. I am okay. my neW Hobby is fingErpaiNting. I draw every Sunday. it makEs me rElaxing. YOU need to tRy it too. That is also a GReAt iDEa to kill time.
Mr Davidson

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