A Warm Autumn Day

(short story)

The autumn park breathed silence, and Eva leisurely walked along the path, looking into the golden leaves that sparkled in the sun. A small paper airplane lying on the grass caught her attention. She picked it up and noticed the inscription on the wing: “A dream is only the first step.” These words suddenly touched her, as if someone reminded her of long-forgotten dreams.

Eva sat down on a bench near an old oak tree, took out her old notebook from her backpack, where she used to write down her dreams, but hadn’t opened it in a long time. On the last page it was written: “Happy at any time, no matter the circumstances.” She was surprised how long she had forgotten these words.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a man who threw another paper airplane into the air. He stepped closer and smiled as he said, “This is my little reminder to people to never forget their dreams.” Eva smiled too, thinking that random meetings can remind us of the most important things.

Returning home, she took the notebook again and wrote: “Today I start dreaming again!”

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