A Woman Who Passed By…


This road was waiting at your feet; it was waiting for you… Sand danced waltz on your soles. The golden light sought refuge in your curls. And my heart seemed to blossom in that alley when you passed by my soul, leaving your charming fragrance. It’s a pity you don’t hear these poems written in my soul, in my head a hundred times. I saw you, I felt you, I wanted to be you…

Your nature is so light and tender, your aura is so pure and bright. I probably wouldn’t be able to be you for even a short time; I would want to hide myself somewhere, not show myself to anyone. I know this is wrong, even the Bible says: “No one, lighting a candle, puts it in a secret place, nor under a vessel, but on a candlestick, so that those who enter may see the light.” But such light blinds many and some may want to put out the fire, I’m scared to be the light. On the other hand, if I am the fire, I will be able to protect myself, I will be safe. It is strange, perhaps, to read a woman’s monologue on how to be light and fire, after all, we are all humans, we can only imagine what it is like to be a flaming fire and look at a woman, a charming woman who passes by…

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