Beg For a Mercy, Mortal

(miniflash story)

In the heart of the underworld, where shadows danced and souls wandered, there resided a creature of awe-inspiring power and ancient wisdom. It was not a being of light or warmth, but rather a creature of darkness and mystery, a cat named Lucy. Once upon a time, a man came to her residence to beg for mercy, his fate hanging by a thread, his future uncertain.

“Please, no!” the man pleaded, his voice trembling. “I’ll do anything you want me to! Anything at all!”

Lucy raised a paw, her golden gaze filled with amusement.

“Anything, you say? Very well, then. Tell me, mortal, what secret can unlock the mystery of a perpetually full dish?

The man’s eyes widened in terror. “W-What?!”

“Goddamn, you are completely useless,” a frustrated Lucy hissed. “This secret, guarded by ancient shadows, is beyond your ken.”

The man eventually opened the package with cat food and patted Lucy’s black head. “I am sorry for not feeding you on time, my beloved Lucy. I was at university. Wouldn’t you be so kind as to stop scratching the sofa?”

The greatest creature of the darkness meowed and approached her bowl. In ancient times, cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

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