Famous Rock Star

(humorous mini flash)

A terrible loud sound woke Petro up from his mid-morning nap. He jumped out of bed, quickly dressed, and ran to the kitchen, thinking there was an earthquake.

However, when he entered the kitchen, he saw an unusual scene. The cat, who had always been quiet and calm, was sitting on the table and playing an electric guitar! “What are you doing, Fluffy?” Petro asked in surprise. The cat stopped, looked at Petro and answered: “I decided to launch my music career! I want to become a famous rock star!” Petro just sighed and said: “Well, if you get a contract with a major label, don’t forget me!” Fluffy raised an eyebrow, smiled, and continued to pluck the strings. Petro rubbed his eyes not understanding how he got into the world where cats played guitars…A miracle he would never forget.

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