Funny texting between mom and son

(Miniflash story)


Don’t forget to finish your homework.

Did you unload the dishwater?

We have to go to your grandmother’s house for a Thanksgiving.

By the way Dad and I talked, we are decided to buy you a car next month.

U are??? OMG thank u!

No. We’re not. I just want to make sure you were getting my texts.

That was cruel a bit.


Mom, I think there is a thief in the house! COME HOME ASAP!

Go hide in your closet! NOW!
I’ll be home in 15 minutes!

I can hear his steps MOM! I’M SCARED!

Just be quiet, honey!

Ok, I think he’s gone now, phew… But I can’t get out of the closet!


No, he didn’t. I did. And I came early from the meeting. You’re so easy to scare ha-ha! PS. Hope you still talking to me! Love you. – Mom 😉


Hey Mom! Can I borrow 100$?

Do you think that money grows on trees?

What is money made of?


What is paper made of?


Hey Mom. You forgot something at Walmart.

What did I forget?

The bread, eggs, and hot dogs.

Ok son, I’ll come back and get them.

I’ll be waiting for you right outside the Walmart when you get ‘em.
And please don’t forget me this time.


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