Household slavery and why it is not ok


What is the household slavery and why does it still exist? To answer these questions, first, lets consider the term "gender socialization." Gender socialization is the process of assimilation by men and women of stereotypical norms of behavior that are instilled in us from the birth. If it sounds too generalized, it is when "women should lead a life of a housewife and give birth to children like a machine gun. Besides, they should love the pink color and cant imagine their existence without gossip. Ouch! One more moment, they are to be submissive, gentle and modest like nuns.” All this stuff has been shoved into our heads in various ways since childhood.

All of us undergo gender socialization, in different degrees, nevertheless…in general, it looks so. Traditional gender roles are instilled in us by relatives, movies, TV series, music, people on the street and, of course, almost any office team. As a result, women and men become domestically disabled in certain areas. For example, a woman can’t screw a shelf, and a man can’t cook.

Now let’s go directly to the household slavery. Not so long ago, such a term as “second shift” appeared. These are household duties performed by women after returning home from their main work. It’s a full-time job that takes up to six hours a day, but it’s unpaid. For the most part, this term is typical for women, because it is they who perform most of the household chores.

You may think that there is nothing wrong with this, it is a normal thing. But how many women enjoy it in Ukraine? Of course not all of them. In addition, they hardly have time for career development due to the limited time and fatigue. And excessive work is harmful to health. In addition, according to statistics, more than half of women burn out physically and mentally.

However, the situation in the modern world is clearly changing for the better. Stereotypes are gradually being deleted step by step. In recent years, men increasingly say that they want to spend more time at home. Conscious partners begin to distribute responsibilities evenly…I think it is fair…

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