Little Mermaid Mortifies

(derailed fairy tale)

The Little Mermaid didn’t want to meet the prince from the very beginning. She was interested in her legs to be able to see all the beauty of the land world. However, after meeting the prince, she could not enjoy their travels together, because of the pain in her legs and the longing in her heart.

The meeting with the prince was the trigger to finally fulfill her dream.

That time the Little Mermaid was quite cruel. And even a little more. After a not-so-happy life with the prince, the Little Mermaid again made a deal with the witch, in order not to return to the ocean, but to regain her voice and live on land without pain.

The price was her beauty and the prince’s life. Given her lonely life before, she was willing to sacrifice this.

“My dear, I have finally found you. I will be happy,” said the smiling prince before going to bed.

The Little Mermaid smirked, knowing that in an hour he would be dead. It won’t take long.

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