
(book review)

Title: “Manyunya”
Author: Narine Abgaryan
Year: 2015

Narine Abgaryan’s book ‘Manyunya’ is a story about the childhood and friendship of two girls Narine and Manyunya, which later grew into a friendship between two families, about the formidable but kind Ba and about their relatives who constantly get into different unusual and usual situations.

This book is very sunny, full of warmth, comfort and memories of a wonderful childhood. In it you will definitely find life situations that happened to many of us in our childhood (for example, Manyunya’s fight against lice), characters similar to your relatives, friends or, perhaps, yourself.

The book is very simple and lively, without any embellishments. While reading it, I repeatedly laughed, rejoiced over the characters and was absolutely fascinated by this incredible story.

I can’t help noticing the high-quality, very attractive, bright cover, through which you already want to buy and read this book and no rarely beautiful illustrations in the book.

I heartily recommend reading, because this book will heave you into an interesting and fascinating story, to which you will repeatedly want to return (I know this for sure.). My rating is 10/10.

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