Meeting with Yevhen Nyshchuk


On November 27, a meeting with Yevhen Nyshchuk took place at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University. Yevhen Nyshchuk is a Ukrainian theater, film and dubbing actor, politician, public figure. He also known as a Minister of Culture of Ukraine from February 27 to December 2, 2014, and from April 14, 2016, to August 29, 2019, and Chairman of the Taras Shevchenko National Award Committee of Ukraine (from May 22, 2023).

However, despite his political views, leadership skills and national position, he is well known as a talented actor and general director-artistic director of the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater (from April 3, 2024).

I expected nothing when I was going to see him and hear his memories of the Revolution of Dignity and his political experience. Nevertheless, I was impressed. After his long monologue about crucial and life-changing events, his decisions and political strength, the headliner of the meeting asked him for a master class for students from our university who wanted to be actors and actresses in the future. So, the rest of the meeting was really impressive and real proof of his professionalism as an actor. He was correcting students in their tone and manner of saying poems aloud, putting them in situations different for their atmosphere and emotional states, and then showed us visible changes in emotions and meanings of words that were said by young performers.

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