(flash story with bathos)

“But Ive always loved you unconditionally. Even after I found out you had crush on another girl. Even after you started to have a relationship with her secretly, and didnt stop me from appearing my love to you with words, presents, hugs. Even after you said that she became your girlfriend… Only you`ve been on my mind all the time. And it is still you, whom I love as much as possible”, while she was saying this, hot tears were streaming down her face.

“And I`m so confused and angry now. My heart is fulfilled with all these emotions. What am I supposed to do with these feelings? Can you even understand how it hurts?” she said it with her hands touching her heart with pathetical sadness, as if she was bleeding to death at that moment.

Another silhouette that had stood in shadow and kept silent exhaled. What was he going to answer? What was he going to do? Maybe he… would try to understand her and soothe her grief…

“Stop being so dramatic. I`m fed up with your childish behavior.” That was the only thing he said as an answer for her tirade. “I need to go to my girlfriend to comfort her. I have no time to listen to your shit about feelings”.

And now, when she recalls that dialogue from memories, she has no love or anger anymore. Only one phrase is pulsing on her brain now. “Go f**k yourself, you`re just a piece of shit.”

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