(magic realism story)

The curtains close the window tightly, preventing the sun from entering the room. A pleasant twilight reigns inside. Someone might think about this place as cold, dark, and obnoxious, but for Marie, room number 707 is a familiar habitat. She is really accustomed to its cool unwelcomeness, dark aloofness and her reclusive roommate who didn`t reflect in the mirror.

Yes, you heard it right. Her roommate has no reflection. Also, she has sharp fangs, perfectly pale skin and a hypnotizingly dead glance. As you may understand, she is ‘fang-tastic’ and fatally fascinating. Even more – she looks like a gothic angel. Not only this detail conquers Marie every time, but it also forces her to forget all the despairing drawbacks of sharing the room with a vampire. Such as her endless appetite and a burning need for fresh blood.

But it`s not a big problem for Marie. She is always glad to help her friend to satisfy an unquenchable thirst. For the chance to live with her and to see her ‘divine’ silhouette, Marie is ready to do anything for her fancy ‘fang club.’ She will kill herself if the Goddess asks.

As you see, living with a vampire is not as perfect as it may seem at first. But Marie doesnt notice it at all. It does no matter to her that the vampirical roommate is just using Marie for her own pleasure. Marie is just a bouncing bag of blood, but she doesnt care about it. She is enchanted by the perfection of vampirical look and fascinated by the bloodsuckers “good” personality. Being blinded by her passion, she doesnt spot that her life is slowly fading away. And in a month or two, Marie will detect herself completely empty and almost dead – mentally and physically – in the middle of a room that she will find cold, dark, and obnoxious…

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