The importance of sports business-idioms


Idioms − phrases or expressions whose meanings  can’t be deduced from their literal definitions.

Idioms in English about business allow you not only to expand your vocabulary, but also to understand the cultural and contextual features of the language, which often play a key role in successful communication.

Effective communication is a crucial aspect of success in the business world. Whether you are negotiating a deal, giving a presentation, or interacting with colleagues, clear and concise communication is key. However, for non-native English speakers, understanding idiomatic expressions can be a challenging task.

Not a few business idioms came from big sports. For example, from baseball:

  • to hit a home run

This phrase means doing something that is very successful. For example:

 “We really hit a home run by landing that big deal.”

  • to play hardball/softball

It signifies to do something aggressively/soft. For example:

 “They really wanted to play hardball in the negotiation.”

  • a ballpark figure

It`s means like an approximate value of something. For example:

 “The valuation of the business is around 3 million as a ballpark figure.”

  • a whole new ball game

This phrase meaning: a completely different situation to one that you are used to. For example:

 “I have led teams before, but stepping up to middle management is a whole new ball game.”

  • to be in the right ballpark

It`s means like to be close to the right number. For example:

 “Your offer is in the right ballpark, but it is still a little low for us.”

Using the same idioms will diversify your vocabulary and help you better understand your colleagues. And even more, using business idioms during an interview can show you for the employer in your best light. So, learn advanced English, improve your skills. Good luck!

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