Christmas is one of the most magical holidays in the world, bringing families together, lighting up hearts with joy and warming even the coldest days. But different countries have their own ways of celebrating this special day. Ukraine and the United States, two cultures with their own unique charm, demonstrate this in their own way, but most importantly, they have much in common in their Christmas spirit: love, faith and tradition.
Ukrainian Christmas: Soulful depth and loyalty to the roots
Ukrainian Christmas is about the melody of carols, the aroma of kutia and the twinkling of the star that symbolizes the birth of Christ. In the past, the celebrations began on 6 January with family gatherings for the Holy Supper. Since 2023, the Ukrainians have been celebrating Christmas on the 25th of December, along with the rest of Europe. The table is dominated by kutia, a symbol of prosperity and unity, as well as 11 other meatless dishes. It is a true ritual, full of peace and solemnity, which begins with prayer.
Christmas carols add a special atmosphere to the celebration. Groups of children and adults go from house to house singing old songs passed down from generation to generation. From ‘Shchedryk’ to ‘New Joy Has Come’, each tune captures the national spirit and reminds us of our deep connection with our ancestors. The Christmas star worn by carolers reinforces this magical connection.
American Christmas: Glitter and warmth
In the United States, Christmas falls on the 25th of December, and the atmosphere is one of anticipation. It all starts with the decoration of houses: colorful garlands, inflatable Santas on lawns and lots of Christmas lights turn cities into a real festival of light.
Gifts are a key element of American Christmas. On the morning of December 25, families open beautifully wrapped boxes under the Christmas tree. On Christmas Eve, many children leave cookies and milk for Santa Claus in the hope that he will come down the chimney.
No less important is the tradition of Christmas dinner. The American table is decked with turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie — classic dishes that bring the family together in unity and gratitude.
The link between traditions: faith and family
Despite their cultural differences, Christmas in Ukraine and the US are united by a common idea — a celebration of family warmth and spiritual closeness. In Ukraine, there is a greater emphasis on spirituality, contemplation and the preservation of ancient traditions, while in the US there is a modern commercial spirit with a focus on gifts. But in both countries, people want to be closer to each other.
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