‘The one that got away’ by Charlotte Rixon

(book review)

The story is told from the perspective of two main characters: Benjamin and Clara. We get to know them as adults, then as very young people, and, after that, as adults again. At the very beginning of the book, a tragic event forces the characters to try to meet again. They are nervous and tired, but each in their own way. But why aren’t they together at all, if it is their love story?

I hated the main characters, I sympathized with them, I loved them. I haven’t read such an honest but unromanticized story about problematic relationships and people for a long time.

‘The One That Got Away’ is a story about first love, about changes, working on oneself, dreams, awareness of oneself and one’s desires. It is about a second chance; and this book is also about psychological traumas, abusive relationships (and not only romantic ones), anxiety and idealization, uncertainty and judgment, misunderstanding and fear.

I would say that his book  is about the bad with hope for the good. It has some shortcomings, but they are not significant, I guess. My rating is 9/10.

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