The State of Printing in Ukraine


The development of printing in the Soviet era was aimed primarily at meeting the needs of the state, not the market. Many enterprises were inefficient and outdated. That is why the development of printing in Ukraine lags behind other countries by a decade. The transition to a market economy in the 1990s was accompanied by a deep crisis that led to the closure of many printing companies. Now we have a lot of catching up to do so that Ukrainian products can enter the international arena more and more often.

We have a low purchasing power of the population, which leads to a decrease in demand for printing products. Modern printing equipment and materials are quite expensive, which makes it difficult for Ukrainian companies to purchase them and slows down the development of our products. Many Ukrainian printing companies use outdated equipment, which limits their capabilities. The lack of a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists in the printing industry is also a problem.

Most importantly, because of the large-scale war, the government does not provide sufficient support to the printing industry, which hampers its development. Given that the state does not increase budgets for the publishing industry, but rather cuts them, it will be difficult to get closer to foreign printing and the state of the publishing industry.

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