Tips for business small talk


My life experience, though not so big, I am just a student, proves that splendid social skills, including small talk situations, are essential — especially in the business context. Such conversations can help you get new acquaintances or even a job. This list of 10 tips can help you improve your skills:

  1. Start with a greeting. A simple “Hi! How are you?” sets a friendly tone.
  2. Tailor your questions. Customize your questions based on what you know about the person or their industry.
  3. Ask about their current projects. People usually enjoy talking about what they’re working on.
  4. Use the person’s name. People appreciate hearing their own name; it makes the conversation feel more personal.
  5. Don’t dominate the conversation. Keep track of how much you’re talking versus how much you’re listening.
  6. Have a mental list of topics. Prepare a few general topics to fall back on if the conversation stalls.
  7. Be concise. Keep your points brief and to the point, especially in professional settings.
  8. Follow up on past interactions. If you’ve met before, reference something from your last conversation.
  9. Transition smoothly. When changing topics, do it naturally without abrupt shifts.
  10. End on a positive note. Thank the person for their time and express interest in future interactions.

Try to be kind and be yourself in talk. Don’t be nervous and you’ll be fine; good luck!

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