Working While Sleeping

(miniflash story with humor)

Denys owns a mattress business with his own brick-and-mortar store. One day a dissatisfied customer came there and told the seller that he only had nightmares on this company’s mattress. The salesperson was flustered and didn’t know what to do. The customer was angry and demanded a refund. So, the salesperson called Denys for help.

The man asked what model of mattress the customer had purchased, found it in the store and offered to check it.  Denys lay down on the bed and quickly fell asleep. More than an hour passed, the customer urgently needed to leave, and the seller didn’t dare to wake Denys. And then his wife entered the store, saw her husband and asked:

“Denys, why are you sleeping?”

And he answered:

“I’m working.”

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