7 Tips for Creating a Presentation That Won’t Put Your Audience to Sleep


1.Start with a Bang

Begin your presentation with something that grabs attention. A fun fact, a shocking statistic, or a funny anecdote can work wonders. Think of it as the opening scene of an action movie – no one wants to start with the credits.

2.The Rule of Threes

People love things in threes. It’s a magical number that makes information easier to digest. Three points per slide, three sections in your presentation, three times you mention how amazing your cat is (just kidding, once is enough).

3.Use Images, Not Essays

If your slides look like a page from an encyclopedia, it’s time to edit. Use images, charts, and bullet points to convey your message. Remember, your slides are there to support you, not to read verbatim from.

4.Practice Makes Perfect (or at Least Presentable)

Practicing in front of a mirror is good, but practicing in front of a friend is better. They can tell you if your jokes are falling flat or if your “fun fact” is just weird. Plus, practice helps you iron out those pesky “umms” and “uhhs.”

5.Engage with Your Audience

No one likes to be talked about for an hour. Ask questions, encourage participation, and make eye contact. If you can get a laugh or two, even better. Just remember, it’s a presentation, not a stand-up comedy show.

6.Less is More

This applies to everything: text on slides, length of the presentation, and number of slides. Keep it concise and to the point. If you think you need 20 slides, try to make do with 10. Your audience will thank you.

7.End with a Zinger

Just like a good movie, your presentation should have a memorable ending. Summarize your key points, thank your audience, and leave them with something to think about. If you can make them laugh or say “wow,” you’ve done your job.

Follow these tips, and not only will your presentation be informative, but it might just be entertaining enough to keep your audience awake – and maybe even laughing.

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