(anime review)

Neon Genesis Evangelion, also known as “Evangelion” or “Eve,” is an iconic mecha anime series directed by Hideaki Anno and produced by Gainax. That anime is still able to make the audience fall in love with it since its debut in 1995.

First of all, Evangelion’s success is based on well-developed characters. The series portrays their psychological problems, explores their fears, traumas and insecurities. The protagonist, Shinji Ikari, embodies the fear of responsibility for piloting the Eva, while seeking love and acceptance from others. The anime also shows the inner worlds of such characters as Rei Ayanami, Asuka Langley Soryu, and Misato Katsuragi.

Not only characters, but also a good plot, somewhat inspired by biblical motifs, is inherent in Evangelion. It organically intertwines the themes of identity, existence, the human psyche and the impact of trauma. The post-apocalypse and battles with Angels are just the surface, a kind of background that leads viewers to deeper reflections on the meaning of life, their own beliefs, and the nature of human connections.

Everything in Evangelion is beautiful, even the soundtracks, which immerse you in the melancholy and sad atmosphere of anime. For example, the famous song ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ that sounds at the end of each episode is different every time. The changes are barely noticeable, but each new version of the ending perfectly reflects not only the changes in the plot, but also the changing emotional state of the characters.

It is a combination of well-developed characters, an interesting plot, atmospheric music, and hidden meanings that makes Neon Genesis Evangelion a true masterpiece. If you’re a fan of science fiction and anime about mechanical creatures, or just looking for a series that challenges your perception of reality, Evangelion is exactly what you need.

My rating is 9/10.

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