Be Careful With Your Wishes

(sci-fi story)

Max was walking through the dark forest. His watch showed that it was only 7 p.m., but it got dark much faster in the mountains, so he had to hurry to set up camp at the top.

The boy loved hiking alone. It helped to clear his mind, but having some company this time would be nice. Suddenly, Max heard a guitar sound and came to a large clearing. In the middle of it was a big fire, around which a group of people were sitting and talking about something. One stranger noticed Max and waved to him:

‘Hey, hello! Are you lost? Come here, we have tea and sandwiches!’

When the stranger stepped into the light, Max’s eyes rounded in surprise – it was an alien with light green skin and big black eyes in jeans and a hoodie standing in front.

‘Mate, are you all right? You look exhausted and worried,’ the alien suddenly called out to someone from the group: ‘Hey Ben, do we have any more beer left?’

Another light green guy approached Max and handed him a small can: ‘Here, have a drink and relax a bit, we’ve got a barbecue almost ready, would you like to join? By the way, I’m Ben, and this is Larry.’

Max thought about it for a bit: he had nothing to lose, these guys seemed friendly enough, and even if they did take him to another planet, at least he would get to eat some barbecue.

‘Nice to meet you guys, I’m Max! Thank you for help, that’s very generous!’’ with these words, Max took a can of beer and joined the circle of his new unusual friends. ‘Next time, be careful with your wishes.’ he thought.

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