The Crisis of Peeps in Their Twenties

I heard somewhere about the crisis of the young adults in their twenties. This is when you have already studied well, tried your best, kind of know how to live, but don’t have a job. You are lost and go back to where you started. Where there is misunderstanding and the fear of the future. But I am neither the first nor the last. Everyone’s dealing with it, right? You bump it, don’t you…?

I think I’ve entered that crisis. Everything was fine, until a while ago. But suddenly you realize that everything you’ve been doing doesn’t make any sense. It’s not the real life, just a fiction of it. I think you have to get over it and jump into work. The faster you jump into the 9 to 5 like the better. We’ll never be as free as we are now, we’ll hardly have as many ideas and enthusiasm, as much oomph and stamina for life helping to overcome any life obstacles…

It’s funny how your enthusiasm lies to you at the beginning of your journey. You think that only a few understandable steps separate you from the top of the world. But the first difficulties bring sobriety of thought. The realization of the difference between reality and the desired picture is simply shocking. But it does not stop. Maybe the whole point of the journey is not to stop, unless it’s just to rest and think? After all, the point is not to reach, to become perfect, or to prove something to someone. The point is to go, to grow, and to rejoice. To benefit the people around you…and to love this life even more.

I’m done with my complaints. I hope the next story will be a funny one about my first days at work.

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