Christmas and This Lovely Killing World

The world, to me, is very strange. It’s outlandishly beautiful, and at times, impossibly sad. We drive cars and can mail objects across the globe. We cook noodles, and we start wars, and some of us grow babies inside our bodies. We will all die, and none of us can know what that will be like until we get there. We have mothers and fathers who are amazing and who can let us down… We are capable of falling in love and of killing each other. What is all of that if not some kind of magic? Yet, it’s also very real.

The biggest miracle for little Sofia was the New Year. Although she was already 10 years old and all her classmates said that Santa Claus did not exist, she still believed. After all, every year, the clock struck 12 o’clock, and her whole family celebrated the beginning of the new year, and then went out into the yard to look at the fireworks and light sparklers. At this time a miracle happened – when the whole family returned home, the gifts were already lying under the Christmas tree! And these were always the gifts she asked for in her letters to Santa Claus! A miracle happens if you believe in it and be pure in thought and soul, if you smile at life and rejoice in every moment!

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