Five Authors Who Wrote One Novel

And Became Famous

All Over The World


“Writing is magic, as much as the water of life as any other creative art.
The water is free. So drink. Drink and be filled up.”
(Stephen King)

There are so many authors who, proud of his productivity, almost annually presented a new book. But history knows of those who managed to become famous all over the world through only a single book, which became a hit for the ages. To your attention – 5 legendary works, some of which were filmed and turned into the iconic films in the history of cinema.

  1. ‘The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket’ by Edgar Allan Poe

‘The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket’ (1838) is the only complete novel written by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. This work tells the story of young Arthur Gordon Pym who hides aboard a whaling ship called “Grampus”. Various adventures and misadventures befall Pym, including shipwreck, mutiny, and cannibalism, before he got saved by the crew of the “Jane guy”. Aboard this vessel, Pym and a sailor named Dirk Peters continued their adventures further South. Moored on land, they encountered hostile black natives before they escaped back into the ocean. The novel ended abruptly when Pym and Peters kept on their journey to the South Pole.

The story begins as a fairly conventional adventure at sea, but it becomes increasingly strange and difficult to be classified. The author intended to present it as a realistic story, being inspired by several real stories about sea travels. Also, the writer often referred to the theory of a hollow Earth, borrowed some ideas from Jeremiah N. Reynolds. On top of that some interesting points and facts derived from his own experiences at sea. The analysis of the novel often focuses on the potential autobiographical elements as well as hints at racism and the symbolism in the final lines of the piece.

Having difficulties in finding literary success early in his career as a writer of short stories, Allan got inspired to write longer works. A few of the serial parts of the works “the Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket” was first published in the “southern literary Messenger”, though it was not finished. The full novel was published in July 1838 in two volumes. Some critics negatively responded about the work because she was too terrible and much different from the others. While others praised its exciting adventures, he later called it “a very silly book”. In the years since its publication, the story “the Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket” became an influential work, especially for Herman Melville and Jules Verne.

  1. ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte

Despite the fact that “Wuthering Heights” Emily Bronte was initially received with hostility, in a short time, it became one of the most iconic in the world. The first person to praise publicly Wuthering heights was Charlotte Bronte, sister of Emily. She wrote the Preface and the introduction to the second edition of the novel in 1850 and became the first and the main critic of the novel. However, Charlotte herself was not fully convinced of all its merits. Commenting on the expediency of the creation of such characters as Heathcliff, Charlotte said: “I hardly think that’s appropriate.”

‘Wuthering Heights’ is an important contemporary novel for two reasons: its honest and accurate depiction of life at an early age gives you the opportunity to look at the history and literary merits, which he has, by itself, allow the text to rise above entertainment and rank it for quality literature. The portrayal of women, society, and class indicates the time that is alien to the modern reader. But despite the fact that society today is different from what it was two centuries ago, people remain the same. Modern readers still empathize with the main and secondary characters, imbued with their feelings and emotions.

“Wuthering Heights” is not just a sentimental romance novel. This is a presentation of life, essays about love, and relationships. Many critics praising the style of Bronte, imagery and choice of words, saying that this magnificent work is actually poetry disguised as prose. This lyrical prose has a distinct structure and style. It is noteworthy that “Wuthering heights” – about the ordered pairs: two families, two generations, and two pairs of children.

Bronte uses these characters to explore themes of good versus evil, crime and punishment, passion versus rationality, revenge, selfishness, division and reconciliation, chaos and order, nature and culture, health and illness, rebellion and love. These themes are not independent of each other. Most likely, they are mixed and intertwined with the development of the plot.

It is also a social novel about the class structure of society, and also the Treatise about the role of women. Bronte illustrates that class mobility does not always move in the same direction. For Catherine, representing the lower class, social status plays a major role when deciding about marriage. That’s why she can’t marry Heathcliff and instead agrees to marry Edgar. However, Isabella is just the opposite. It is drawn to this wild, mysterious man, despite the fact that he is below her social status. Because of his love, she loses everything she holds dear.

It is difficult and heavy at first glance, the work gives us much to ponder and reconsider the Outlook on life. Like other literary masterpieces, ‘Wuthering Heights’ has given rise to dramatic performances, musical retelling, films, and even a novel that fills in the gaps of missing three years of Heathcliff.

  1. ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde.

Wilde published his first version of ‘The picture of Dorian gray’ in the July issue of the “Monthly Journal of Lippincott” in 1890. The initial reaction to his novel was negative, if not insulting.

Wilde responded to the criticism of his work with numerous letters to the editor and added a Preface to the book version, published in the spring of 1891. He also thoroughly reworked the version of ‘Lippincott’, adding six new chapters and softened homoerotic descriptions. Contrary to the assertions of the reviewers that the novel was immoral, Wilde was concerned that his work was too moral.

The revised version has caused less of a negative response, perhaps because most razzle-dazzle about this work disappeared. The story of ‘Dorian Gray’ is now considered if not a classic, then at least a masterpiece product.

The source from which O. Wilde drew for his novel, include the legend of Faust and the myth of Narcissus from the Metamorphoses of Ovid. The structure of “Dorian Gray” is balanced between the early influence of Lord Henry on Dorian (the first ten chapters) and Dorian’s life as an adult (the last ten chapters). Each section begins with an explanatory Chapter. The main characters in the novel include the portrait, which dominates the story as he reflects a growing decline in Dorian’s debauchery. “Yellow book” reflects the continuing influence of Lord Henry and, apparently, in itself, is a demonic force. The theatre, managed by Mr. Isaacs is a fantastic world to Dorian, who doesn’t seem to be able to deal with her as with a real person. White Narcissus reflects the admiration of Dorian to himself. Lord Henry plays Dorian like a violin, which is mentioned at the beginning of the book and becomes a symbol of manipulation. Opera singer performs Patti — is the essence of aestheticism, while the opium den Daly represents the depths of depravity and excess. Major topics include the legend of Faust, the balance of body and soul, the dual nature of human self-knowledge, narcissism, friendship, the fall, and redemption, as well as the dangers of personal influence or manipulation.

  1. ‘Gone with the wind’ by Margaret Mitchell.

When it comes to American classics, the book ‘Gone with the wind’ Margaret Mitchell requires special attention. Published in 1936, it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1937.  In 1939, the novel was filmed as an award-winning film, which, given inflation, remains the highest-grossing film of all time. And more recently, in 2014, ‘Gone With the Wind’ was rated as the second most popular book by Americans, second only to the Bible.

‘Gone With the Wind’ is a fascinating story of young Scarlett O’Hara and her “love triangle” with Rhett Butler and Ashley Wilkes.  The novel begins just before the Civil War, describes the burning of Atlanta and the possible political consequences of emancipation and restoration.  Race, class, politics, pride, gender, honor, and love mix throughout the book, revolving around the life of the charming Scarlett with Rhett and Ashley.

Despite the bright events, an unusual plot, a large part of the narrative, in particular, the internal monologues of Scarlett become tedious when they do not introduce new ideas, feelings, or projections. Nevertheless, this work is considered to be a true masterpiece, which for many years will occupy a leading position among many other books.

  1. Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

‘Doctor Zhivago’ is a novel by Boris Pasternak, published in Italy in 1957. This epic novel about the Russian revolution of 1917 and its consequences for the bourgeois family was published in the Soviet Union only in 1987. One result of its publication in the West was a complete rejection of Pasternak by the Soviet authorities. When in 1958 he was awarded the Nobel prize for literature, he was forced to abandon it. The book quickly became an international bestseller.

Dr. Yuri Zhivago, alter ego Pasternak – poet, philosopher, and physician whose life is destroyed by war and love for Lara, the wife of a revolutionary. His artistic nature makes him vulnerable to the brutality and ruthlessness of the Bolsheviks. Wandering around Russia, he can’t take control of your fate and die in abject poverty. The poems he leaves behind, are one of the most beautiful pieces in the novel, causing the scales of emotions, even in the modern reader.

For centuries, artists and writers loved to keep the suspense, seasoning it to their work. As it turned out, in addition to the impressive plot, the author scattered several disguised hidden messages to his legendary narrative painting to intrigue the future generations.

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