‘Pride and Prejudice’

(film review)

‘Pride and Prejudice’ is a dramatic film made by director Joe Wright based on the novel of the same name by English writer Jane Austen. Events unfold in England in the late 18th century. The Bennett family is only concerned with marrying their five daughters. In the center of events is one of the sisters – wayward and strong Elizabeth. The girl meets an arrogant and beautiful Mr. Darcy, which leads to the development of a great confrontation between young people. Viewers are left to watch the plot closely and wonder if a negative first impression can change into true love?

Although most modern adaptations of famous books are actively criticized, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ does not evoke negative emotions. Successfully transferred plot lines almost completely correspond to the original work. The acting team impresses with its professionalism. Talented Keira Knightley in the lead role, known through other popular historical films, with the help of a wide range of real emotions makes the viewer immerse themselves in the story and feel sympathy for the heroine.

The visual content of the film deserves special attention. Extremely beautiful landscapes of English nature, Georgian-style architectural structures, exquisite interiors, landscaped parks with fountains – all this impresses with its beauty and perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the 18th century.

The film touches on “eternal” social problems. Among them: social inequality, the problem of love and hate, the problem of relations between parents and children. The work contains poor and rich, selfish and, conversely, generous people. The main character Elizabeth lives in search of her own “I”, destroying the then image of a woman. The girl is engaged in self-education, is not afraid to go against the system and defend his opinion.

The film, in general, makes a positive impression and fascinates the plot. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is definitely worth a look and is able to give real pleasure from watching. My rating is 9/10.

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